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Group for Bearless Irises


About the GBI

Beardless Irises


Seed Available


As well as publishing an annual Review, the Group usually issues a cd which gives members a chance to exchange their photos and also to view plants and gardens they have seen during the year. I hope you will find them interesting.

This 'CD' accompanied the Autumn 2007 Review of The Group for Beardless Irises of the British Iris Society and is copyright.
copyright © The Group for Beardless Irises 2007 - All rights reserved.

Please feel free to enjoy the photographs for your own private use. However, if you wish to use the photographs on this CD in any other way, permission must be sought from the photographers.

We are grateful to Marty Schafer and Willy Hublau for sending photos of their plants and seedlings. Also to Billy Carruthers of Binny Plants for photos from his walled garden in Scotland and to Judith Queree for the photo of the pseudata she grows in Jersey. Thanks also to Jennifer Hewitt for allowing the scanning of her slides - we have tried to reproduce the colours as accurately as possible, but we apologise for any distortion introduced.
The other photos were taken by Alun & Jill Whitehead. In particular, as an experiment this CD includes record shots from the second year of the Siberian and Wetland Iris trials at Wisley. These are not the usual close-ups of flowers as all the photos were taken on one day in June when many of the plants were not in flower. However, it does give a chance to compare how each is growing and to see the general growth habit of each. You will notice that some plants have failed (or are failing) in the trial and it pays not to read too much into this; some cultivars perform very well elsewhere and in the case of the AGM plants, they have performed very well previously at Wisley. It may be that there has been a problem with the particular divisions.

Binny Plants

Ensata Lime Experiment

Miscellany of irises

Photos from Marty Schafer

Willy Hablau's ensata seedlings

Photos from Jennifer Hewitt

Siberian Iris Trial

Wetland Iris Trial

Photos from Dick Payne's allotment during the 2007 BIS Convention

Photos from Great Comp during the Convention

Photos from Sissinghurst during the Convention

A pseudata photo from Judith Queree

More information about the places visited can be found at:
For Longstock Park - please check the Yellow Book.
